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I grew up in a fine Christian home where we were tough to honor Christ and follow His ways, Sunday school and Church were very important and my relationship with God was strong But I think back at what I was tough and there is a problem, I feel there was alack for teaching how important It is to come to God on a daily basis to ask for Him to forgive me of my sins and that lead to sins piling up and deceit came in to the picture. Isaiah 59:1-2 says this: The Lord arms are not to short to save nor His ear to dull to hear, but your sin has caused The Lord to hid face from you. This has happened to me where God was not answering my prayers for Twenty years God was more a less silent He finally started to break me down. In 2014 three things happened, my daughter got married in 2013, and in 2014 my mother passed away and a week later I had full knee replacement. Those three things were so painful and I did some things that were causing my sin to build even more. One night my husband and I had a big blowout and my deceitful self went to bed saying everything will be okay in the morning, but that was not Gods plan. I went to bed and tried to go to sleep, but something was making me feel stressed. I started to think about some of the things I have done that were not pleasing to think about. I tried to think of all the wrong things that I did and ask God to forgive me, but that did not work. Then I started to question if I was really saved (at 13 years old I asked Christ into my heart) I began to feel real doom. And I cried out there in the dark Lord Bring me Peace! And then The Trinity came to me in a mighty way. I started to remember the Bible verses that I learned in Church, - if we confess our sins He is faithful and jest to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all Unrighteousness - the song Jesus payed it all, all to him I owe sin had lift a crimson stain He wash and made me whole, then I remembered what Jesus said on the cross Lord for give them they know not what they do, God was tilling me that I don't have to remember all my sins I ever did and that is what I was trying to do. All I have to do is say Lord I am really sorry, please forgive me, peace that passes all understanding blow over me like never before. And God wonderful face was looking down on me. People we have to be willing to ask Him every day to forgive and when we do He dose mighty things in our hearts and uses us. He has asked me to be a prayer Warrior and He has told me to pray for His people, I love when he speaks to me.
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