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+ 8

I think there's a flaw in my
She thinks that there is a flaw in herself as the word 'code' could refer to her genetic code/DNA, which is part of her. Her identity. This means that she is questioning herself, whether she is not the stereotypical person and wonders whether if there is something wrong with her. I believe that this can refer to her bipolar disorder or bisexuality.
+ 11
Halsey said that this song is a summary about her concept album, Badlands, in one of her interviews. It refers to how society wants her to be seen as, for she sings about how she questions herself and her listeners about her flaws and other imperfections. The repetition of the phrase "like me", suggests that she is questioning one's individuality and their identity as she is asking them whether they are like her, with all of her flaws and bad habits.
+ 2
"Baby, come home".

[Verse 2]
I've got those jet pack blues,
Fight off the light tonight and just
(I've got those jet pack blues) This suggests that he is in a powerful depression with so many emotions crowding his thoughts. (Fight off the light tonight and just stay with me) suggests that he wants his lover to stay and just be bad for a moment, probably because he's in an affair (Honey, don't you leave) suggests that he doesn't want his real wife/girlfriend to leave him as he has an affair.
Daughter – Love
Oct 17, 2015
- 0
Please don't find her skin
When you turn the lights out
In this stanza, the artist is asking for her ex-lover to not get too close and touch her skin in bed. The phrase "lights out" suggest that it's night time. In this case, I believe that the artist doesn't want her ex-lover to have sex with his new girlfriend/lover.
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And overhead of the aqua blue
The word "overhead" has two definitions, one where it means above and one where it means completely submerged. Therefore I believe that this phrase suggests that the artist is trying to tell us that they are completely submerged in their depression as the word blue could relate to depression whilst the word aqua can relate to water thus proving that the definition for overhead is submerged.
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Dreams of clean teeth
This suggests that it is impossible for them to get clean teeth and the reason they do not have clean teeth is due to the fact that they smoke as it stains their teeth.
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You buy me orange juice
The reason that they want orange juice might be due to the fact that they want to be sober and sane again so they try to wash out the drugs with orange juice.
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Now we're wearing long sleeves
The long sleeves are meant to cover up the scars from cutting and the swollen veins from drugging themselves. Why else would they wear long sleeves when the heating turns on?
- -2
We might be hollow, but we're brave
It shows that they are naive. They may be empty on the inside because they drink but they are not brave to drink. In my opinion, I believe that this song is about drugs and this phrase suggests that they think that they are "brave" for trying those things (as in alcohol and drugs).
- -1
We're hollow like the bottles that we drain
This suggests that they feel very empty from drinking alcohol so much as it makes them drunk thus making them forget who they were, which can relate to feeling empty.
+ 3
my tomorrows for just one yesterday
(I know I'm bad
This is very simple to interpret as it simply shows that the speaker would give up every other day, meaning to die, just to go back in time. This also suggests that when he is dead, he can revisit other memories that he has lost in time.
+ 2
of angels, choking on their halos
Get them
I think that the angels refer to the good girls as in Fall Out Boy's "Young Blood Chronicles". The phrase "choking on their halos" might suggest that they are becoming bad and rebellious. I believe that all of the song lyrics in their album "Save Rock and Roll" relates to the "Young Blood Chronicles", only in a deeper and more meaningful way.
+ 1
There's a room where the light won't find you
It suggests a world of depression. The phrase "light won't find you" reveals that it is dark. We can associate darkness with the colour black and black is an empty colour thus making the room depressing, dark, empty and desolate. I think that this refers to Katniss trying to HIDE from the capitol.
+ 1
Acting on your best behaviour
This line suggests that they have to wear a costume to act on their best behaviour. Like they have to fake facades of perfections to be viewed as they are at their best and at their fullest potential.
+ 1
you’d take a bullet for is behind the trigger,
Oh, we’re fading
It suggests that the singer is trying to express that someone who you might make a sacrifice for is the one that is hurting you so that you have to make the sacrifice. For example, you would fall down a cliff for your friend but he/she is the one that pushed you down the cliff. There are many other examples in which and I think that the singer is trying to suggest that he sacrificed himself for his lover but his lover actually was the one that made him feel like this.
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