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African drums are silent and the Wingos
Are poets at last
Out on Dafuskie Island, the bulldozers
Bury the past
And the low country sinks, she cannot swim
The dogwood feels the hurt
While the foursome plays on borrowed days in
Their alligator shirts
Dafuskie Island is off of Hilton Head South Carolina where the Gullah culture is. Generally they are poor and developer are buying up the land cheap to them and developing it for millions (in housing and golf courses) while burying the Gullah culture. The African drums refer to the African culture the Gullah are in part a blend and the African Village along the South Carolina Lowcountry. Prince of Tides is a book by Pat Conroy where he lived in the Lowcountry (attended the Citadel) and the title makes a nod to him with the title and the Wingo family.
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