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Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me
Spongebob was thinking he would get an awesome day. So he looked at the sun and it was smiling at Spongebob.
- 0
Sa dibdib mo'y buhay

Too sing this song, always put your hand on your chest (body part). Keep having fun in the Philippines! 
+ 2
Land of the morning, Child of the sun returning, With fervor burning, Thee do our souls adore, Land dear and holy, Cradle of noble heroes, Never shall invaders, Trample thy sacred shore, Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds, And over thy hills and sea, Do we behold the radiance, Feel the throb of glorious liberty, Thy banner, dear to all our hearts, it's suns and stars alight; Oh never shall it's shining field, be dimmed by tyrant's might, Beautiful land of love, Oh land light, in thine embrace, It is rapture to lie, But it is glory ever, When thou art wronged for us, Thy son, To suffer and die.
+ 1
Down here in the deep blue sea
The sea in beaches. The only element in the beach. All of the fish lives there. The only liquid that we drink from the beach. But salty beach water is here.
- -1
Are you ready kids "Aye Aye
The captain was telling the kids if they are ready to sing along. The repeating word is the name of the show like other shows.
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