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+ 2
This b'ra-chah and its translation was put together by Debbie, in consultation with, I think, Rabbi Stuart Kelman and Dr. Gail Dorff right after the Northridge quake. There being no specific B'ra-chah for earthquakes, this was a combination, and Debbie made it into a stand-alone song. She taught it to a class on liturgy the 3 taught at University of Judaism in la the next week!
+ 2
A week after the Northridge quake I attended a 1-week Liturgy class which Debbie Friedman co-led with Rabbi Stuart Kelman and Dr. Gail Dorph at uj in la. Debbie, not finding a Bracha for earthquakes, combined 2 others to make the Bracha found here, for which she'd composed a 2 part song (already). I didn't know that B'ra-chah combined with these lyrics. Debbie was full of, shone out with creativity, beauty, kindness, and an impressive sense of humor. May her memory be for a blessing. When I think of Debbie Friedman's Angel Song I'm thinking of " May our right hand lead us closer to our godliness. May our left hand give us strength to face each day. Before us make our vision light our paths ahead and behind us may well-being heal our way. And all around is Sh'chinah, and within is Sh'chinah. Al y'mi-ni Mi-cha-eil, v'al s'mo-li Gav-ri-el. You-mi-l'fa-nai you-ri-el, you-mei-a-cha-rai R'fa-eil. You-mi-sa-viv Sh'chi-nah, you-bif-nim Sh'chi-nah.
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