0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This song is about how her boyfriend or husband cheated on her and always fought with her every single day about the littlest things ever. So she decided to break it off with him. And at the last minute, she wrote a note saying she loves him and all and she cried and died inside. Half of her heart was torn off. She loved him so much she couldn't break it off face to face with him instead she wrote a note saying goodbye and all and, while he was asleep, she kissed him on his forehead as a sign of goodbye. She was mad at him for fighting with her. In her mind she is saying, if we never fought this wouldn't have happen and we would've lived happily ever after, have kids, get married, see our kids get older and develop things, go to their graduations, and die old together in each other arms. So yeah that is what its about. Thanks for reading guys.
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