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+ 5
Like the fact that his anger gives him the impetus to move on n fight, instead of giving up. The pain, d anger is still there, but he fights on, knowing that its pointless to go back, n the only way is to move forward. He's lost his way, does'nt know what to do, but he keeps on movin on, n refuses to be held back by his anger. Love breaking benjamin!
+ 6
I think anyone who's ever watched a friend destroy himself thru addiction would totally identify with this song. You know he's lying, acting like he's got everything under control, n it just makes you so angry that he refuses to see what he's doing to himself. You try to make him aware, try to tell him he's wrong, but he keeps on saying everything's fine, that he's in control. You feel as if he doesn't hear you, n you pray that he wakes up, you try not to get angry, but its so hard. Just waitin 4 him to say he's wrong all along, or take that final step. N then, he does destroy himself, n you know you did what you can, but it still feels not good enough, you're left with 'what if'. You know you wud have done anything to prevent what happened, but its too late, n all that's left is d guilt that maybe, you didn't try hard enough.
+ 4
Love this song. Their version's even better than kanye's. You can feel the pain n d frustration in d song. Sumtimes you need to tell ur friends about wats goin on with ur love life, but they don't really know what its like, so you should'nt always believe what you say. The end of a relationship's always painful, with all the blame n pain going down. Its important not to drag friends into it who don't really know the situation, n who wud just end up makin things worse.
+ 2
Agree with cahilzmusic there. There are always some things in a relationship that are too painful to talk about. But its important to trust each other enough to dare to hurt each other with the truth. Cos when there are too many secrets n unaddressed issues, you lose touch with each other, n the bond that held you together weakens. But when you fight to hold on to what you have, n learn to face the truth together, then the relationship becomes new again. Regenerated, rejuvenated, young. My guy n I learnt this painfully, n we've really become 'younger now then we were before'.
+ 5
I love the way he expresses himself. He had d world at his feet, people who loved him, sang his praises. N then its all taken away from him, n those that claimed to love him have all turned against him. He realises that their affections were false, their praises empty, they loved him when he was up, but hates him now that hes down. Realises it was all lies and deceptions. Great lyrics,.
+ 4
There are some who claim that this song is really psychotic, but come on, haven't we all felt like this at some point of time? You want sumbody so bad, but you feel like u're unworthy. N you want her to notice u' you feel like u'v lost control, that he has so much power over you, n you want to regain that control, to feel some of that power. You feel like a creep stalkin some out of reach princess, but you can't help urself. Haven't you ever wanted someone or sumthing so bad that ur feelings seem completely irrational?
+ 7
O come on, this is such a meaningful song. What it means to me is, it reminds me of soldiers going to war. At first they feel like they're fightin for sumthin meaningful, freedom, faith, peace or sumthin. But the more they fight, the more it seems like a violent, pointless battle. The deaths of so many innocents, the sufferings of mothers, fathers, wives, children. N they see their brothers in arms dying. They no longer know what they are fighting for; would sumthing that causes so much destruction be for the greater good? They've lost their faith, their beliefs, n ultimately, a part of their soul. So its time we stopped fighting fire with fire, time to lay down arms, n join hands instaed!
+ 9
I agree with Gunslinger there. D best thing abt A7x lyrics is you can interpret them anyway you like n it all fits. Aside from d love song thingy, I think its about sum1 whos lost sum1 they loved to death. N he's finally going home to that person. Tho he/she's dead, he's always been true, n their love's still strong despite time n death. Death is not the end, but rather the beginning of their time together.
+ 3
Lllooove this song! N yea, I think its about a relationship where the love is still there, but there's too much going down, too much ager, pain, that the gulf is too wide for them to bridge. N they can't live with each other, but they can't live without each other too. Heck, who cares what the song means? Its still beautiful! Even if they're saying sumtin inane, I'd still love it!
+ 5
I thot this song was supposed to represent the fall of adam n eve, y'know, adam's 'on the stand'- he has to choose between eve, d fall of all mankind, or God, n his own salvation. But he knows the choice that he ultimately has to make, he can't leave her. D taint of original sin is in his blood, n so the whole world falls. Anyways dats the way I heard it.
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