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Dtack68 you wrote "In no way does this deal with crusades, or George Bush... seriously think." yes seriously thyink/ Wy would this song be a mere relic about the French Revolution? That makes little sense. The French Revolution as metaphor? The Crusades as metaphor? Absolutely. I believe the song is deeper than any onr interpretation. I believe that the most timely current use is about the failings of Bush in Iraq and how power isolates and vitiates the source--the metaphorical king.
+ 1
Thanx cullpepper, but you wrote: "We don't know what God's decision will be and it's not up to us to decide what Bushes' fate will be ...that's between God and Bush." Actually this is a very personal song, so I think we have to grant the artist the license to speak as George Bush. Katemarie I believe it is about a modern day crusade. That was exactly what the Iraq War was. Bush originally wanted to call it the Crusade I believe until his middle east advisors cautioned against it. A great song like this one--and I think this is a great song--have lyrics that are both timely and timeless. It is about today, but it is also about all the other times that "men," mostly men, have sought a power so vast that the quest consumed them. The most compelling line in the song among so many deep and compelling lyrics is the phrase "Once you go there was never never an honest word." "The first casualty of war is truth" is a tried and true axiom of all war. We know of Bush's infinite lies. Giving the song a persona makes it more vital than just being a general assessment of the human condition.
+ 3
This song is about George Bush or at least Bush is the metaphor off of which he works. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. The lines "it was the wicked and wild wind Blew down the door and let me in Shattered windows and the sound of Drums People could not believe what I had become" is about 9/11 and the transformation to king with absolute power and the abeyance to that power that we gave President Bush. And this power changed Bush to a man of great dishonesty. "Never an honest word" is repeated three times, and we know about all his lies getting us into Iraq. Jerusalem bells and Roman calvary choirs refer to the middle east. My missionaries in a foreign field are his soldiers in Iraq. I believe in his heart his intentions were good, but good intention line the road to hell, and the singer says in the saddest verse I have ever hear. "For some reason I can't explain I know St Peter won't call my name." It is to me about George Bush and his brush with power. He knows in his heart that his crimes have forbid him the grace of God. Power is a fleeting illusion that traduces and ultimately vitiates its victim.
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