This song is what I am listening right now. Me and my bf shared the joys and the excitements love could offer. For 1 and a half year we never had a serious fight, and then out of the blue. Just within a week. A very strong relationship was about to end today.
"though it's gonna hurt us both, there's no other way than to say goodbye"
I love him so much and I don't want to lose him. Now that we are in this struggle I don't know what should I say, or what to do. I cannot understand why all of a sudden a love so sweet has to end. My mind cannot understand what I am feeling. Later after work we will meet to talk about our relationship. I am full of emotions. I'm afraid, I'm sad, I feel so nervous. I keep on asking myself why do I have to see him if I will just hear him say that "it's over".