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+ 3
I agree with what you said about the south will rise again! Idk why people say that! But it is time to start moving forward and letting go! I don't go around swinging the confederate flag but that is apart of history and being from the south and not to mention the civi war was bc of wanting to be a differrent country where people had different beliefs at that time in america! At this time america was formed and even though we havecame along ways from that day its still apart of the south. It was a time that known of us will ever understand and unfortunatly ppls stupidity and ignorance created this but reality is there is racist everywhere in other countries and in history! And southern pride has to do with country people who work hard loves being from the south says yes ma'am no ma'am loves muddin and huntin. Rasied in church and values conservative traditions. That's all lol I was called a redneck by someone who doesn't even know me and never been called one and theres nothing wrong if you are a redneck but this persons from a different country and its funny how people make fun of rednecks and yet they arent being racists?! This songs great at hey this is my culture that's urs lets respect each other btw lil waynes from the south and he rocks the rebel flag.
+ 6
Wrong! Not pride of slavery or racisms but pride of being from the south being raised country! Its hard to move forward socially when everyone thinks if you come from the south your a racist! This song holds truth buts that ppls problem they dot want to face the truth! People in the south are different just like people up north and people to the east and west so font hate bc we are Gods country and love our southern pride!
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