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+ 2
Someone still loves you
I also just noticed, in The Young Vein's Ryan Ross wrote a song called Lonely Moonlight. In that song he says "Someone I love, loves someone else. " This is referring to Brendon, and I know this song is about Brendon due to the Sun and Moon theory that is traced back to the Pretty. Odd. Album, and I think this line is speaking at Brendon, saying he loves a married man. I feel like this line of the Overpass is a call back at Ryan, a response, that kind of says hey, Ryan, that someone still loves you, that someone being Brendon.
+ 4
The Overpass is an upbeat song, which I think is to distract from the meaning and I have to confess that it does exactly that. Northern Downpour for example has a nostalgic feel and you know it even without the lyrics. Here many people ignore the meaning of this song, the upbeat rhythm distracts them. For a love song it is a lot more upbeat, Brendon normally writes much slower and calmer songs when about love, and maybe he's even trying to trick himself into believing its okay. It is obviously a love song, though it can't be about his wife Sarah. It isa out a former love, which here I believe is Ryan Ross. I think Ryan was his soulmate, and even if he's fallen in love with Sarah, he can't fall out of love with his other half. A part of him will always want him back, will always love him. Since he can't do anything about that, he is stuck just writing songs about his ex. Quite a sad song in my opinion, very sad.
+ 1
Everything about you is perfect
Down to your blood type
This line really hits close to home for me. When you fall in love, you realise how utterly flawless that person is, how to you they don't have a flaw. When in lobe you think of even the tiniest things, those you may not even see or know anything about, but to you they're still perfect, thats what it is like to be in love. Even admiring his blood type, which may seem ridiculous, but when you're head over heels for someone that's what it is like.
- 0
But I remember every time
I guess this could be linked with the "Bottles of shit wine." No matter if he's happy, sad, drunk, he will always remember Ryan's perfection, how much he loves him, the flawless being he is in love with.
- 0
Tiny bottles of shit wine
This is the part of the song that slows down, the climate changes, Brendon's voice is more serious and slightly auto tuned. Maybe he wants Ryan to take this seriously. Brendon used to have na alcohol addiction, and maybe he is referring to that here, maybe the heartbreak was a reason for it?
- 0
You keep one too in parallel
(You keep my long black leather)
Obviously Brendon knows that Ryan keeps his clothes/memories too, or maybe its just him hoping it is that way? This line made me think that maybe the clothes aren't actual clothes, just a metaphor for memories they're holding onto. This made me look at the fact that Brendon has a shirt, which is light soft and comfortable, maybe he's referring to the good memories he is holding onto, crying for Ryan to come back and make more, pushing aside whatever bad happened between them. Since Ryan has the long black leather, heavy rough material he may be holding onto the dark memories, the bad past they have, the reason they broke it off. This could be the reason Ryan isn't coming back, he is too distracted by the negatives, Brendon trying to show Ryan that the positives outweigh the negatives.
- 0
I have a shirt that keeps your smell
Here we can speculate. He could own a shirt of Ryan's, or maybe it is one of his own that reminds him of a specific event or era with Ryan involved. Maybe the shirt generally still smells like Ryan, though this would be unlikely as shirts lose the smell, unless it is what he wore the last time he saw Ryan (Which I think was a halloween party). I think that the smell could be a metaphor for memories that this item of clothing holds and since he still has it I guess he is holding onto the memory, not wanting it to fade away. Maybe the memory is Ryan in general.
- 0
I know you wanna
Let me hear you say somethin'
The whole "I know you wanna" idea carries on Brendon being cocky, maybe hopeful, wanting Ryan to feel the same way, sort of counting on Ryan Ross to hear his cries for him to come back and respond.
- 0
Troubled love and high speed noise
I'm guessing this is talking about their relationship, the disagreements and down sides, the whole ride of the love between them and how it broke off, maybe too fast for Brendon.
+ 4
(Sketchy girls and lipstick boys)
A direct reference to the AFYSCO era and album. This album was written by mainly Ryan Ross and was most likely the time when they were together. I don't think eh picked that line coincidentally, maybe theres even a story behind why that specific line. But this implies girls being untrustworthy and suspicious (maybe his/Ryan's past lovers) and boys being lipstick boys which is a complete opposite of the "testosterone boys and harlequin girls" line and I think the lipstick boys may even be a reference to a stereotypical gay man.
- 0
meet me
At the overpass
I think this line may be referring to meeting at a point when they both raw the line and say yeah, I need you. In a way I feel like this is a call to Ryan Ross to come back, meet him back and makes him sane, both of them, put them in a place where they can both be themselves.
+ 1
Someone still loves you
This line obviously is telling Ryan he loves him. Ryan is aware that someone loves him, many people do and maybe Brendon is trying to make it a little less personal by not saying directly "I still love you."
- 0
(You need me, don't you?)
This could either be Brendon being cocky saying he knows that Ryan needs him just as much, or it could be a hopeful Brendon, seeing a glimpse of hope that just maybe Ryan feels the same.
+ 1
See, the thing is I'm so sorry to say
This leads me to believe that he doesn't want to love Ryan. I mean, it's been 8 years at least, he wants to move on and forget, but he cannot. He wants Ryan to know he's still not moved on.
- 0
It's just that everything reminds me of things
I assume he means everything reminds him of the memories he shares with Ryan, which he doesn't go into detail about but since he's a musician and they composed 2 albums together there's always things around him reminding him of Ryan, the fans, the songs, everything. His career path won't ever let him forget about Ryan.
+ 1
(That perfume lingers in your hair)
This reminds me of that one interview of pre-split Panic! when Ryan Ross talks about his vanilla deodorant, and I think he's referring to that smell. That specific smell, Ryan's smell. He could have just said perfume of the perfume, but he said that perfume, implying a very specific smell.
- 0
Sorry to get sentimental tonight
Maybe he is avoiding the topic, though he ends up viciously singing about his issue which implies that he feels the need to talk about it and maybe he's been avoiding it for too long. I think this whole album is about the most important parts of Brendon's life, and he may not want to remember this particular part of his life but if he is going to tell his story it needs to be added.
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