Gosh this could mean a whole lot of things. Thom's put a lot into it. Its a very frenetic song. Of course, obviously, 2=2=5 means sometimes things don't add up. His line "January has April showers" is telling for a direct effect of things not adding up. But it's a weather reference. Might just be that. Or, "I try to sing along, but the music's all wrong". What might he be referring to? Could be a metaphor for just about in attempt at doing something and realizing something isn't right. Or, "Are you such a dreamer, to put the world to rights." Dreaming may be the start of making something from nothing, but dreaming alone doesn't get it done. Especially if we are talking about something near and dear to rh's hearts, the Environment. But, then again, when this album came out we had the start of the Iraq war. We've got the reference in the album title and in this song to the thief. I've always believed this reference is to President Bush (I have never read that, so if its been said or is well known in rh circles that this is true, then forgive me). Anyhoo, we've got that reference to not adding up as well as Bush's policing the world and putting it to rights. And of course the frenetic ending with not questioning authority (Bush again), being put in a box (civil rights out the window with his administration), going up to the king (Bush again) and the Bush administration's view on terrorism and 9/11 (the sky is falling in).