0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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This song has been with me for so long, and whenever I feel down I love to listen to it. I interpreted this song as losing someone you love and who made you the happiest person. In this song I saw his story of someone he loved dearly dying, but how they'll always be with him in his heart. Overall, it's just an absolutely amazing song!
- 0
I can't begin to describe how beautiful this song is! Everything about it just hits my heart. This song is telling us that we all go through our own struggles, but we are still here. Every single person on this earth has a purpose, even if you don't feel like you do. Just keep your head up because good things come your way. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.
+ 6
I interpreted this song as losing someone you love, and it's hard to keep yourself going through life. "Oh, I've been low, but damn it, I bet it don't show" "It was heaven a moment ago" These lyrics really relate because lately I've been feeling really low, and sometimes it's hard to find light, even if there is so much around you. My parents didn't even notice that I was not doing great, but my teacher did notice and now I have help that i needed. Guys though, if you are feeling at a low point in your life, there is so so much to live for, even if you don't feel like there is.
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