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+ 2
Hey Lauren, hey Kim! Look, I'm so sorry for my last comment. I was so stupid that day, and I was really mad! I'm so sorry I acted like a 2 year old. You told me once, and I didn't listen. I'm sorry. :( Lauren: Hey Lauren! How are you? Anyway, I'm here so if you want to talk just say my name. :) I'd be glad to help and talk you through your problems. I'm sorry about the problems that are happening. :( Kim: I'm really sorry Kim. I can act stupid sometimes. I'm really sorry. :( Anyway, how are you too? Anything going on? I read the comments on when I wasn't here, and you guys said you have nothing else to say. Lol. :) But, what do you guys plan on doing for the last day of school? :) Miss you guys!: D
+ 2
Hi guys, it's me Emily. (Or Em) I thought that from day one, we would actually be best friends forever. But now I think that either you guys hate me for something I did, like not respond for a long time. Kim, lauren, do you guys hate me? Well first, kim calls lauren, lauren. But kim calls me selenasingsgood. If you guys don't like me, please just say it. I want to know what I did wrong. :( please tell me. I have a feeling that our friendship is going downhill, well me, kim, lauren. Please again, tell me what I did wrong. Now is your chance to tell me. Please tell me. :) I'm not mad or anything, just wondering.
+ 3
All I see in my vision, is that Miley just wants to grow up. She's 18, and it's time for her to experience what adult life, is like. Yes, she has had some up's and downs, but every single one of us, right now has made a mistake they are not proud of. You never know, Miley might grow out of this, "People not liking her, for her." It's her life, and she gets to choose how she wants to live it.
+ 3
Hey guys. *Cough* *cough* sorry, I have been really sick. :( I missed talking to you guys! :) I feel a little bit better now that you guys are here. :) Lauren, I am so sorry for your loss. Michael jackson and farrah faucet died on my b-day, and gosh was that the worst b-day ever! I feel for you. :) Sorry I haven't been talking, again like I said, I was really sick. Please don't be mad at me. I'm very sorry. :( How are you guys? :)
+ 3
Kim, I don't think allstarweekendrocks is weird. I mean just because she has allstar fever, doesn't mean you have to judge or say something about that person. I know it's you, and that's a-ok. Some people just think they have the right to say things mean, when you shouldn't. :( oh and haha, I hardly ever type in the morning! It's just I was getting ready to go to school and I was like "why don't i text my friends?" so I did. :) and it's ok if you won't talk much, I understand. Do you have any dogs?
+ 3
Hey guys! Just chillin as usual. ;) my fav color is blue. I think it's pretty because it's the color of the sky, and it's nice and whatchamacallit? Oh yeah. The color of the warm around us. Plus whenever I see the color, it makes me feel all warm inside. :) Justbieber, kinda creeps me out. :( heaven only knows what he will comment next. Lauren, hope you have fun at hawaii! :) What's you guys favorite name? :)
+ 2
Lauren, you are soo lucky! You get to go to hawaii! I can't go because of my dog. :( he gets lonely. Oh and lauren, my b-day is soon, it's november 28! It's close to yours! Kimmy, when is your b-day? I miss you guys alot, I hope you know that. :) anyway, do you guys like taylor swift? And do you guys have pets? I miss you guys every day! Ttul8! :)
+ 3
Sorry lauren your mom got mad at you. My mom got mad at me for wearing sport shorts to school! Your mom shouldn't have yelled at you, I mean it's not like you looked like one! I wear those kind of things all the time, trust me I know what it's like. What do you think kim's doing? (btw I am the person thumbing up you guys comments cuz you guys are mi best friends!)
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