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+ 3
This song means so much to me:) its encouragment to not let society, or your school, or your jerk ex boyfriend tell you if you've "got it" because God made you for so much more than this world is telling you. We are all beautiful and are ment to feel that way. Esther knew she was beautiful and that ended up helping her courage when she went before the king to ask him to spare her peoples lives. We just need to remember who really defines us, its Him, the one who created us:)
+ 2
I think that it means that even we are in the darkest places in our life, those times that we feel alone that we arn't that God is right there wrapping his arms of protection and love over us. I know that when me and my boyfriend broke up I felt so alone when there were people all around, but the Lord came and held me tight. Not to say a few hugs from my girls didn't help. But just because God is silent doesn't mean he isn't there.
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