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+ 2
Old, but I'm not that old
Cerca Trova, an infamous phrase that was found on a painting that might be on top of a lost Leonardo da Vinci's paiting, which says "Cerca Trova" he who seeks, finds. The artist took this and used it in real life, your goals might be just in front of you, you just need to keep looking, just keep trying and never give up on it, you might find a "lost treasure"
+ 1
I don't wanna die
But I ain't keen on living either
At this time, he just feels numb about his life, he doesn't care anymore if he is alive or not, he is not living, he is just existing, hoping one day he will find a reason once again to be alive.
- 0
Not sure I understand
This road I've been given
At this moment, he is reflecting how he doesn't understand the life he is taking, is this the path that was made for him? If so, what kind of path is this that I am following?
+ 3
I sit and talk to God
And he just laughs at my plans
In this line, he is trying to express, the way that everything he plans, in his life and such, most of the times fails, not being able to control the course of his life, saying "But he just laughs at my plans" shows how destiny doesn't match his plans and how angry he feels about it.
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