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I think Oliver has associated with the Devil. And as in many songs includeing this one, it doesn't take a genius to see that Oliver may feel like its to late for him to return to God(if anything) even if he wanted to. For example the chorus says it all, and even in other songs like Chelsea smile he basically says " IF I don't believe in hin, Why would he belive in me?" Stateing how his guilt is killing him inside. Hey don't get all argumental for those of you for nonbelievers in god, I respect the fact some don't belive in god, but I think Oliver basically sold his soul to the Devil and Throughout his songs he trys to reveal that it may have been a Mistake the Whole time. Idk, that's My inference? Any debates, Disscussions? Id really Would like to know, I feel His songs are powerful with the sense of feeling his emotion when he sings sometimes.
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