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I'm with you lazromero. Same story almost to a T! I was best friends with him for 10 years and I mean best friends. I was homeless for most of that time and he would sneak me into his basement, wrap his arms around me and sleep in his bed almost every nite without a hint of more. When I was 23 we were out to clubs and bars alot, one drunken nite he decides we should change it, so we did. That nite I got pregnant. Can you imagine? When I told him he threw money in my face and told me to take care of it. That's not something I could live with. I carried to 18 weeks and miscarried, and the whole time he wouldnt talk to me. Afterwards he finally poured his heart out to me that he was scared. Stupid me believed him. I stayed with him for 5 years till I found out he had cheated on me right under my nose numerous times with numerous girls. When I found out I went out afetr work that nite, my friend introduced me to her friend, weve been together ever since. At first this boy denied it up and down. Isn't the internet A lovely invention? I figured out his psw for myspace with a keylogger, copied all the messages back and forth about the special evenings he had with these girls and sent them to him. I hear all the time that he asks if I'm ok and happy. Some men will never get it. I put him first b4 anything and everyone in my life at the time and that's what I got>>>
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