As most tcc listeners know, 3 of the band members (including the singer, Matt Mcdonald) are Christians, and so many sublimal messages are written into the lyrics. It took me a few times listening to this to catch it. He uses the husband and te abusive wife to show, in our understanding, God's love for us. In the bible, a common analogy used is Jesus Christ as a bridegroom and humanity, or the church, as his bride. This world has mostly forsaken God, and this is nothing new, the world has been evil since the fall of man. The song says that his wife is terrible to him, yet he still loves her. Some of Jesus' last words were spent asking forgiveness for the people crucifying him. Also from the song "when he loved her and gave up his life in more ways the she knows how" God gave up his only son for us, watching him be killed in the most brutal of ways; we as humans are not capable of that kind of sacrifice. He makes this message clear in the second verse when he asks where is God in a situation like that, and then answers himself saying that he has mercy on those people, and he talks about his love when he says, "when I look in my brother's eyes, I can see where his love comes from." This is an amazing song from an amazing band. Definately one of my favorites.