0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 4
I know it sounds stupid, but my heart hurts when I hear this song. It's on right now! I can't hold myself together. It's hurting my heart! My stomach feels as if I'm going to weep. I can't. Take it! It's so calm and sad. I feel like crying. I feel like closing my eyes and going off to a different world. I don't know why I feel like crying. My throat. It's so painful to feel like this. But do feel like crying of happiness, or sadness? I have tears in my eyes. The song is now over. And now the Live version is on. Wtf? Sorry, I'm just sensitive to sad songs. I can't take the depressing music. At least its not that sad. I mean, I feel sad in a happy feeling.
+ 2
The sad, but true meaning of this song has got to be about some guy's life. Other people call him names and laughs at him. The guy then gets upset. The people are basically putting pressure on the guy. As if they're saying, "Come on, be like us, loser!" And the guy tries to be different, and tries to join them. I guess this is correct. And I guess he actually makes it into the group(or just not being a loner anymore). But in the song, it says "Lie makes me...lie" that possibly means that he's now lying to his friends and stuff. And he's getting confused. So. He lied from a lie.
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