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+ 2
Lord of the flies
To me, this seems to be drawing a parallel. The person being described by this song could be like Jack, from Lord of the Flies. Jack was the leader of the boys choir and eventually the leader of the boys on the island, for those who have not read the book.
+ 6
I believe that this song is about the struggles of someone with a bad, destructive, or otherwise undesirable past. The said person may have done something horrible or undesirable, but is a good person on the inside. And the fact is that most people only pay attention to your outward appearance or past or whatever is undesirable about you. To me at least, this song seems to be describing the struggles of someone with a difficult past that people judge them for, despite being a good person on the inside. The past deeds of a person could be described as the skin or the scars in this song.
- 0
This could be heaven or hell
This says that is could be either really great or really horrible, but not in between. In other words, it could be heaven or hell.
+ 1
When all the demons come alive I’ll still be under your spell
When bad things happen, no matter how horrible, you will still be under that person's spell, or in other words, you will still love them with all your heart.
+ 1
Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart
This line refers to people not being able to see past the scars, either literal scars and/or disfigurations, or metaphorical scars, or the bad things someone has done. Regardless of which kind of scars, it refers to the fact that the people can't see past it and see who they are on the inside, what kind of person they are.
- 0
I don't wanna admit, but we're not gonna fit
This refers to the fact that she knows that their relationship won't work out, or the two of them won't fit, but doesn't want to acknowledge it, because of how much she loves the person and the relationship.
+ 1
What's the point in playing a game you're gonna lose
The game in this line is love. So asking what the point is of playing a game you're going to lose is asking why to love this person when the relationship will never work out.
- 0
And it's downright dirty that this 'ol wound
Won't heal with time
This refers to the phrase "Time heals all wounds." In this line, its saying that time is supposed to heal all wounds, but it doesn't seem to heal this one.
- 0
Well you could wash my bain
You could tear out my heart
But I would never forget you
This refers to the fact that no matter what the person does, you would never forget them, even if they did something horrible such as washing your brain or tearing out your heart.
- 0
you make
Rise against your fate
Hell is what you make refers to the fact that all your personal hells and problems are that way because one focuses on the negatives, instead of seeing the positives in a situation.
- -1
Soaked in alcohol I walk up to a doll and say “how you look good”
This refers to complimenting or flirting with a girl, or, in this case, a girl who is probably dressed up and looks doll-like, while you are drunk, or soaked in alcohol.
- 0
And it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful,
It's so beautiful
But it's not real, it's not real
This refers to how something is so beautiful, or so wanted and desired, but can never be had or obtained. In other words, it is not real.
- 0
Don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not
He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got
This line explains that she doesn't care what he had done that was bad, because he is all that she has left.
- 0
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, he’s somewhere between
A hangman’s knot, and three mouths to feed
There wasn’t a wrong or a right he could choose
He did what he had to do
This line explains that the man the singer fell in love with committed the crimes that he did to help his family, and that there was nothing else he could have done, no better or 'right' solution, to support them.
+ 2
Just can't be satisfied
This line refers to the feeling that no matter what you do, or what happens, you feel that you may never be happy or satisfied.
+ 3
Defeated yet again
By tea with cinnamon
This line probably refers to one trying to overcome a difficult roadblock, but failing in the end, or being defeated yet again. In this song in general, I think that the tea with cinnamon is a representation of the said roadblock or problem.
- 0
If I stumble
They're gonna eat me alive
This line refers to one not being able to make any sort of mistake, or else they will be attacked, or eaten alive, by everyone around them.
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