0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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- -1
This song is really good. I don't really get attached to like members of bands I mainly go for like the actual songs and to me they are still good even with out the othere to so its no use to hold it against then for like thos to members leaving. But to me this song is like when your buying something and like the person who is selling it knows that its no good and so you buy and then suffer s oits saying like o those who do that should like suffer to we they should get a taste of like wht theyve done to others see them suffer and that really good :)
+ 2
To me this song is like. You know those abusive guys and husbands or even parents who llike. Always want to be perfect proper like them. They want you to follow in thier foot steps cuz they are the right and holy ones. They try to put ideas in your head, and submit you to be like a sort of sait. So the part that says something like " why does it have to be so lonely to be the only one who is lonely " is refering to like the result of the pressure so like you only have to be perfect, why everyone else including the person is like far from it. The song she's had it and is like o b4 you like want to change me lookm in a mirror cuz ur just as bad and imperfect.
+ 4
No I think that what the song is about is. Like when you fall in love with an artist and especially his music and like you love them but you know that your gonna be the one who gets hurt cuz they don't even know you exist there are far from your reach. I think this becasue ogf the part that say. Cuz I've gone to far to get back from here (like the concert) but you don't have a clue (cuz you don't even that know I'm alive) you don't know what you do to me (you really have no clue).
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