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+ 5
I love this song so much. I went to her concert in corpus I'm so not lying. I was in section 105 nd for one song she came there nd she gave me a hug. If anyone was there remember the big screen for this song it had her and taylor lautner it had a heart aronud them and when they kissed paper or somethin came out. Nd she cried to one song. Nd with that song sholud've said no there was rain comin down and it said no, why, nd said somethin else. But hope you like her concerts everybody. :)
- -3
I love this song so much and really she has great songs and a great snse of fashion. She is one of my role models and she always will be no matter what. I love Miley Cyrus's songs too and same with the fashion but there are probably 5 role models;#5Lady Gaga #4Miley Cyrus #3Selena Gomez #2Demi Lovato and #1 is the country singer Taylor Swift. Keep on rockin lady gaga you rock b*h!
+ 4
I love this song so much and really my freind is like so in love with this song and she sang it at the talent show but before she started to sing she said 'This goes to you heartbreaker' and so when she was done he came up to her and said 'Do you want to get back with me? ' cause he ahd a reputation but she turned him down. I'm so happy for her she finally stood up for her self.
Jay Sean – Down
Nov 19, 2009
+ 6
I love this song and I have the album Don't Forget I listen to it all the time. I have it on my ipod and really this song is about being your self and not no one else. And also that you're beautiful. I hope she makes more songs like this cause then were going to love it. I love Demi Lovato and I've loved her since she came out in Camp Rock. And to the ones that are saying s*t about her stop it. She tries her hardest to make us happy and trying to make her self happy. You'll are juat haters she don't deserve to be treated like thos so if I were you guys jsut shut up and let her male the ones that love her like her. So haters just shut the f*k up at least she isn't making wrong choices she's doing the right thing so just keep your mouth shut and think before you talk. Keep rockin' demi! Your my role model and just keep being happy!
+ 3
This song is on my ipod. I love this song so much and I listen to it all the time my freind jamie says that this song relates to our freindship. Me and jamie laugh the same, talk the same, and we're like sisters. And we sing the same she is my bff but I call her my sister. They are role models and we love them. Keep rockin' demi and selena!
+ 3
I love this song so much. My grandpa died in 07'. It hurts for me and my family but I know he is watching over me. Like he always told me 'Follow your, and your dreams. No one can get in your way of your biggest dream. 'i miss him so much my grandma is really sad too. And at his funerel I sang this song and I was crying too. But I know he is watching over me. I love you grandpa!
+ 5
I relate to this song so much, I have a crush on my closes guy friend and we are always hanging out alot and I don't know if he likes me, but I have a feeling that he does cause he's always staring at me and he's smiling at the same time. And I love David Archuleta too, so I would like to thank David cause now me and my crush are together now. Keep on rockin david archuleta!
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