0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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- -1
I think this song is about Taylor Swift's way of mocking the exaggerated portrayal the media has on her, playing into the character that's been made up. Poor girl can't go on a coffee hangout without others without the media thinking she's with the person. You would have to have talks with the person before getting to know them. Taylor "So I'd love to hang out with you later today, however, the paparazzi are probably going to be out and about..." "So, uh, this is kinda of a date but we're not together so when hundreds of people ask about our relationship just say "no comment" Guy "...I'm more of a tea person." Poor Taylor.
+ 4
I think that Sia is talking about an inner struggle that is pushing and pulling at her. A side she recognizes as her strength and perseverance, the other pulling her down. I think this song is beautiful because everyone has this inner battle happening, a relatable song. Using elastic as a way to show her being unbreakable to herself. The push and pull reaches a point of snapping back, but coming back to herself.
+ 9
I interpret this song as Ed feeling like he's becoming "far-gone," putting himself in a corner that he was concerned about getting to. Maybe filling up a void with alcohol, probably not to the point of being an alcoholic but using this as a way of escaping his depression? The bridge I think either is talking about the temptation he's facing or self-harming. He has the line "This is when it ends, I feel the chemicals burn in my bloodstream." This is when it ends, comes off as his final thought on his growing hopelessness. However, he has "Lord forgive me for the things I've done" is actually a pretty hopeful line. I'm sure it was written with the self-deprecation, but instead of the "Lord hit with the deserved lightning bolt" but more of a loving "I hope your holding out your hand God." Actually probably a mixture of both. Nevertheless, Ed accidentally wrote something of hope in his song of hopelessness.
+ 2
I think Jack White is talking about a women in his life that is focused in insecurities on whether or not Jack White loves her when really he's asking her "Would you fight for my love?" That his love is already present but her insecurities are wearing him down. An appeal to meet him half-way, to accept his affection really being there, being able to trust him. In turn, I also think he's asking for forgiveness. To have acceptness on both ends, wanting it to workout.
+ 5
What I interpret from this song is Hozier feels that "the church" is faulty and finds refuge in the arms of this "girl". So essentially the girl acts as his God so to speak. "I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies" feels like he's saying he's recognizes the imperfection of this "girl" but this imperfection is more straightforward and in result comforting. Overall, I don't think there is a literal girl Hozier is referring to but the point being he's going to dwell in the pleasure of imperfection-ism as to him it is more gratifying.
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