0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 4
It all started normally. Life was beautiful. The puzzle piece was finally falling into place - mom and dad were happy, and all of the void was suddenly filled. But just as fast as it seemed to come together, it fell apart. You don't feel safe in your home anymore. The walls are shooting in, screams flow from the hallway and into your ears. Your stomach turns; maybe it will stop? But it doesn't. The two people in your life who were infinitely in love are now your deepest, darkest secrets. You want it to go back to what it used to be, but it keeps worsening. They're fighting over the dumbest of things again. Who gives a damn about who wins the argument? It's mentally damaging. The smallest spark of light that remained in your life was blown out. You scream, you pray, you hope. It doesn't work. Remembering the good times is gut wrenching. Forgetting it all would be the easiest, but every memory seems to haunt your soul form the inside out. You want to let it go already. I love this song because of how personal it is, especially to Ashton. I believe that while we all know this song is vastly important to him, he maybe just couldn't sing it. His father had neglected him and his mother at a young age. However, while he seems as if he brushes it off of his shoulder, it must still occasionally haunt him. There is always that "what if?" factor. What if he stayed? What if I was too much of a bothersome child? What if I could've stopped it all? A lot of the lyrics and emotions in this song probably derive from how he felt at a young age. Ashton has mentioned on few occasions that because of his father's abandonment, he was left very sad at times. He and his mother were very low on money, and he would constantly find himself moving from place to place. Hungry. Tired. Feeling as if he was always a bother to those around him. His mind was most likely a sea of woolly blackness during a large part of his life. Divorce is not unusual nowadays; 50% of marriages end in divorce. You're not alone. Ever. It may feel dark and scary right now, but you'll make it out stronger than ever before.
+ 6
This song is probably one of my favorites off of the "SGFG" album. It correlates a lot with the boy's personal lives. (Ashton's neglect from his father, Calum leaving amazing football opportunities for the band, etc.) Not only does it connect with the boys, but I think this song has touched every person who has heard it so far. To begin with, I think that depression and suicide is sadly immensely prevalent in today's society. People everywhere are hurting. If you listen closely towards the beginning and middle/end of the song, you can hear the faint sound of a typewriter. Maybe the typewriter signifies one writing a suicide note; for them, it is the last straw. Even the ones you thought would always be there for you don't understand.Talking to people doesn't help. They don't seem to care.However, this song is definitely more on the "anti-suicide" spectrum. It's normal to feel isolated and trapped inside of your own dark mind. You'll be okay. You'll grab life by the balls and make it out alive! For some, this song may not ride as deep as suicide. It may just be about what one feels daily. People tend to feel as if no one notices them, and this leads to depression, self-isolation, and regret. You may even feel as if you don't know yourself anymore. You had it all going for you at one point. What the hell happened? You're trapped inside your own jail of a head and from what you can see so far, there is no way out. But you haven't seen it all yet. You've only been through a part of it. You are heard, you are cared for. After all, flowers have to grow through the deepest layers of dirt before they sprout into something beautiful - something full of life. If you're reading this, please know that you are not invisible.
+ 8
This song is where they got the idea of "The New Broken Scene". It shows how people can continuously doubt you, but you don't care, because you have yourself. It's okay to not feel okay at first, because in the end, you'll be alright. You're the ruler of your own world, whether or not it is perfect. You don't have to be like every other person out there. We're leading the way to our own outcasted community, but together, we're all happy as hell. You don't need to have everyone believe in you, nor should you listen to someone when they tell you that you have to be a certain way. We're far more than broken souls; we can make a difference.
+ 13
I think this song has a lot to do with the mental issues Michael has been talking about. This song shows how the "poison", or some type of sadness inside of you can distance you from everyone you've become close with. Everything you have started was going so well, and, of course, has ended because of you. You dream of having it work out, but your inner emotions and inner "demons" always seem to f**k it up. One of the worst feelings is when you are trying your hardest to come through to someone, but you just can't. You're broken and scattered everywhere. There's no possible way of going back. There's no way of making this person stay with you. Starting over is ideal, but knowing you'll ruin it again is awful. You don't want to lose it again. However, the ending of the song means something different to me. It doesn't matter if your feelings are blocking it off this time. Because with this person, you feel as if you can overcome yourself. Something in between the two of you makes you want to defeat whatever is stopping you from growing. With this person, you're coming back to life. You're the person you used to be. And you're starting all over again :).
+ 12
This song is about truly loving a person. I know it sounds stereotypical, but I think the boys did a beautiful job at executing their feelings throughout this entire album. You love someone so much, even when you feel as if they are doing you wrong, you need them more than anything. You want to be deep inside of their emotions and thoughts; you want to take in every single aspect of them and never let it go. If you've ever been truly in love, the thought of them leaving makes you sick to your stomach. Even when that person's bare skin is up against yours, you still want them closer. Close up all of the space in between you. You can't quit on this person no matter what happens. They're engraved in you. And you want them there forever.
+ 10
I think this song is about starting over with someone that is significant to you. Everything was so pure and was going so well, but recently, that all took a turn. The time that you spent with that person was so valuable and so important to you and you'd do anything to do it over again and go back in time. It all fit like a puzzle before and for some reason, it crumbled down to nothing. You know that if you try over again you can make it work, because, well, this person is for you. The memories are still there and you value everything you had with that person. You cannot just let them go.
+ 17
To me, this song is about how you feel when you hit your darkest place. You want someone to help you out, because you know that you can't do it on your own. You're so depressed you feel as if no one wants to care or be there for you. You can't do it anymore. You're having suicidal thoughts. There's people all around you, but that one person you need most doesn't seem to be there. So you drown in your own personal abyss of darkness and raw sadness. You're toxic to yourself and you want nothing more than to be saved because, well, you simply can't do this anymore.
+ 10
To me, this song is about starting again. You want to leave and begin something new; you keep talking about going, but you never do. This song is that last breathe you take before you finally leave. You're off to a better place where you'll make so many memories and be the happiest version of yourself. Sometimes the decision to leave somewhere is difficult, but you have to take that chance to be a better you. You can't keep wishing that you'd be happy where you are. You don't have to be off to a new physical place. It could also be a place in your mind. You have to let go of all the bullshit that keeps bringing you down and find your own inner paradise. Either way, this song is beautiful and I think the band really depicted how a lot of us feel. Sometimes you just need to "fly away".
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